More Good from MSD's Raingarden Push

Thursday evening, the Chapter's Executive Director attended a planning session for an event to celebrate the seven raingardens installed with the help of MSD in residential yards in University City. Spearheaded by the River des Peres Watershed Coalition, this effort demonstrates the continued shift in local approaches to tackling stormwater management. ASLA St Louis strongly supports this movement and encourages all chapter members to attend the Raingarden Block Party on May 15, 2011. You'll be able to tour the installations and gauge the reaction from the community. Our Chapter will be there with a booth and a contribution to the BBQ. As of now, two Chapter Sponsors are also involved: St Louis Composting, who supplied the soil, will attend with a booth and Hamburgers. Kirchner, makers of Freno Systems, will be providing BBQ Chile and have a booth as well. From Shaw Nature Reserve, Scott Woodbury and Cindy Gilberg have been working on this project from the beginning. It truly is an amazing coalescing of groups in St Louis to change the way we deal with stormwater.
What better way for Landscape Architects to spend a Sunday in May, then by turning out to support the community that is embracing green infrastructure!
Rain Garden Block Party University CityMay 15, 2011 More Info |
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