7:30am - Registration / Continental Breakfast
Trade Show Opens
Vendor's Hall, EPNEC Center, Washington University
8:30am - Conference Welcome
8:45am - Green Roof Technology
Katrin Scholz-Barth bio, Katrin Scholz-Barth Consulting
9:45am - Trade Show Break
10:15am - Environmental Mgmt of Urban Watersheds
Bruce Ferguson bio, Univ. of Georgia Sch. of Env. and Design
11:15am - Trade Show Break / Lunch Break
12:00pm - Box Lunch / Academic Panel Discussion
Bruce Lindsey bio, Washington Univ. Sam Fox Sch of Design
Blake Belanger, Kansas State University
Meg Calkins, Ball State Univ. College of Arch. and Planning
Michael Martin, Iowa State University College of Design
Lucinda R. Sanders, University of Pennsylvania PennDesign
1:30pm - Trade Show Break
2:00pm - Urban Wild - Contemporary Infrastructure
Patrick Curran, SWA Group
3:00pm - Trade Show Break
4:30pm - St Louis Firm Crawl Social
Office visits with refreshments more info
Conference Schedule
Copyright 2008
St Louis Regional Chapter - ASLA
Tuesday, April 22nd
Wednesday, April 23nd
Monday, April 21st
7:30am - Registration / Continental Breakfast
Trade Show Opens
Vendor's Hall, EPNEC Center, Washington University
8:30am - Organizational Communication and Mgmt
Marsha Littell - HOK
9:30am - Trade Show Break
10:00am - Eco-culture Design & Planning
James L Sipes bio - EDAW Inc, Atlanta
11:00am - Trade Show Break
11:45pm - Award Ceremony / Lunch
Speaker - Patrick W. Caughey bio, FASLA National ASLA
3:00pm - Self-Guided St Louis Walking Tour
6:00pm - Doors Open / Vendor Trade Show Opens
Eric P. Newman Edu. Center (EPNEC), Washington University
7:00pm - Keynote Address
Lucinda R. Sanders bio, Olin Partnership / Univ. of Penn.
Revealing Intersections
8:00pm - Reception in Vendor's Hall
Refreshments included
Trade Show Open until
The conference schedule is subject to change. Please double check session times at registration and show up early for the events you would like to attend.
(Please check back for updates)